Drones for Conservation

From wildlife tracking and landscape-level monitoring to population counts and behaviour observation, drone technology is changing how conservationists do their work, presenting novel research methods and new perspectives. Our panel will discuss what drones have allowed them to do that was previously not possible, and talk about how drone technology might further support their fields of study in the future.

The adjoining Dish Cafe will be open before and after this event for coffee and drinks. Nibbles provided after the talk to encourage the conversation to continue.

Nano Fest in NZSL
This talk will be interpreted live. We are thrilled to have NZSL interpreted talks and events at this year's Nano Fest and welcome Deaf community members to attend - see the full list of NanoFest events featuring NZSL interpretation below. Proudly supported by NZISF and STEM Communication Trust. 

Jake Edwards-Ingle - University of Otago, Department of Marine Science
Mike Hilton - University of Otago, School of Geography
Jo Monks - University of Otago, Department of Zoology
Chris Muller - Altitude Conservation

Moderator: Professor Dame Juliet Gerrard


NanoFest in NZSL: List of NZSL interpreted events
Disaster Resilience & Preparedness
Drones for Conservation
Why the little things are worth looking at: A conversation with Giselle Clarkson
He kōrero whetū – let’s talk stars
Physics Show


Event Details
Age Recommendation: Adults (18+)
Duration: 120 mins
Price: $15

July 11, 2024 5.30pm


General Admission: $15

Child/Student/Concession: $10


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