He kōrero whetū – let’s talk stars

Join us for public talk about Matariki, maramataka and tātai aroraki (Māori Astronomy) by Kāi Tahu astronomer Victoria Campbell. The talk will explore knowledge of our southern tātai arorangi, its importance and relevance.

A light afternoon tea will be provided after the talk to encourage the conversation to continue.

Nano Fest in NZSL
This talk will be interpreted live. We are thrilled to have NZSL interpreted talks and events at this year's Nano Fest and welcome Deaf community members to attend - see the full list of NanoFest events featuring NZSL interpretation below. Proudly supported by NZISF and STEM Communication Trust.

Tickets to this event are available on a Pay What You Can Afford (PWYCA) basis. The New Zealand International Science Festival is a non-profit organisation that strives to make its events accessible to anyone who wants to attend. For those who can pay, the recommended minimum ticket price for this event is $5 per ticket.


Victoria Campbell (Kāi Tahu) has a passion for te reo me ōna tikaka, including tātai aroraki and te taiao. She is involved with the Dark Sky Project (Takapō), sits on the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve Board and is currently working on a research project with Tūhura Otago Museum and Te Rūnanga o Moeraki.


NanoFest in NZSL: List of NZSL interpreted events
Disaster Resilience & Preparedness
Drones for Conservation
Why the little things are worth looking at: A conversation with Giselle Clarkson
He kōrero whetū – let’s talk stars

Event Details
Age Recommendation: Teens (13-17), Adults (18+)
Duration: 60 mins
Price: $5 (PWYW)

General Admission: $5 (PWYW)


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